Sunday, February 24, 2008

A prayer for my friends

Lord, I believe you when you say you hear all prayers and love each one of your children. So, I am sending up prayers for my family and friends.
May each one of us meet you this week, face to face, heart to heart and in truth and authenticity. May we have a glimpse of your constant presence and have the chance to be drawn closer to you. May you grant peace where it is needed, send instruction and gentle reminders for us to listen and obey your ways over our own. Please grant mercy to us all, as we need you Lord. May Your strength be revealed in our weaknesses and may we be amazed by your plans you have for our lives. Lord, please give us the strength to walk and trust in your plans. Increase our trust Lord, as your ways are not our ways and they are always right. May we follow you and not be swept away by the ways of this world! Praise you Father for who you are! The same today as you always were! In the name of Jesus I pray and trust, AMEN.

Have a great week and let me know of the ways the Lord amazes you this week! I will do the same my friends!
Blessings, D

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