Monday, January 21, 2008

skiing in the frigged mtns.

What a blast we had skiing at Appalachian Ski Mtn. this weekend. Hunter totally has it and Colton, well, he is officially a shredder! A light bulb went off after the first 30mins. of bombing the slope with no brakes that there is a better way. Colton is now officially safe on the slopes and all can resume skiing! The snow came down, we were bundled with ski masks/goggles, gloves, hats and we had the best skiing yet. It is all about the proper equipment in order to have fun in the cold temps. When we left Boone Sun. night, it was 9 degrees and dropping. Oh, to be back at ASU; memories of walking through campus with only the slits of your eyes exposed were the talk of the ride home. It is amazing any of us were even the least bit worried about our appearance... nobody saw you anyway under all those heavy clothes. That reminds me to remind you that God knows your heart and is the true warmth of your soul. In 2 Samuel it says, "Man looks at the outside but God examines the heart". Get dressed in His armor today! Stay warm and enjoy the day the Lord has made! Denise

1 comment: said...

Cute picture, looks like fun. Glad y'all had such a good time:)