Monday, January 28, 2008

Let the SON shine

I love NC weather. Even when it is cold outside the weather changes so quickly that we have days like today to warm our insides in order to withstand the days unlike today. The weekend was filled with bon fires, hiking, relaxing, speaking at church and a soccer tournament. As all of us prepared for this weekend God decided to show up in many ways. First, God asked us to trust Hunter into His safety as he traveled to Savannah, Ga. for a tournament with another team who needed a goalie. Secondly, God asked me to step aside and allow Him to speak to these Middle School students and for the first time, I saw such authenticity in teenagers, that it even blew them away. God wants us all to get a glimpse every now and then of what our heart truly feels. There is such a yearning within all of us, to be filled by His sustaining nourishment and God gave us a seven course meal on Sun.
Lastly, as we sat around the bon fire and burned stuff... boys are so weird, we all felt a sense of constant warmth in the cold night. That's when God reminded me that no matter what, I need to remember that He is always close, always ready and able and His constant fire will give me energy and perseverance to go another mile. I say this because there are times when I can run forever and times when I feel so tired or emotionally exhausted that I just want to isolate myself from society. I just want to scream ENOUGH ALREADY I AM OUTTA HERE!
I believe in isolation Satan can do a number on a person if it is done with the wrong intentions or as a means of escape. That is when true authenticity and close relationships step in and adjust my thinking. May you have the warmth of that bon fire, truth sent to you from the SON as it shines on your face and authentic conversations with those you call friends!
Press on and hey, have an awesome meal sometime this week with a teenager... it will enlighten you! Blessings, Denise


Anonymous said...

You know Denise, you yourself are one big bon fire for the Lord!!! Your love and compasion for our precious Jesus just permeate this computer screen everytime I read your blogs. How He uses your words to touch my heart and makes me take a step back to take a look inside. Love you girl!! Keep um coming!

Anonymous said...

P.S. porkeylittlepig is Robin.