Monday, March 10, 2008

Unlike my husband, I love this day light savings thing. It is 6:50pm and it is blazing sunshine in my windows. My boys played catch outside until dinner and my horses grazed on the fresh grass. Ahh Spring is coming! New growth, new weather, new fun activities, new flowers, new beginnings. I love being and feeling renewed! It is like going to a spa and getting a facial and a massage. One time my friend Melissa and I went to the Grove Park Spa in Ashville, NC, and we wanted to be really new, really refreshed, so we stayed at the spa for 8 hrs. Believe me when I tell you this, we would have remained at that spa for another 8 hrs. if we didn't have to be at another retreat just mins. away. The Lord reminds us that we are new creations once we cling to Him. His power refreshes and restores us so that we are renewed everyday despite what we experience. Now who doesn't want a new start sometimes? I know I do. I challenge each of you as I take this challenge myself... begin each day by standing upright, firmly grounded in His peace and say aloud, as if you were face to face with God;
"I need a new start today Lord, in you I know that is possible. Today, I choose You Lord, please renew me this day"
I bet there will be a lot of shiny new faces and attitudes strutting His glory around as we step out into Spring!
Love to all, let me know how this challenge goes! I bet He will do amazing things through all of us, a matter of fact, I bet He has already begun!

2 comments: said...

Oh how I need that renewal today! Your challenge reminds me of Lamentations 3:21-25: "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait on him.'"

I like DST too. Lighter later is good with me.
Thanks for the challenge,

***dreaming of the Grove Park Days...ahhh

Denise said...

Dream big because we will be in the Mtns. in 3 short weeks ..... ahhhhhhhhh glory days!