Saturday, August 2, 2008

This summer has been quite an experience. The Lord has taken our family on quite a few adventures this summer and I'd like to share what I have witnessed.
First, God showed me what a few days without communication feels like. While getting really comfortable in my early summer routine, (which meant little study time and a prayer style that mimics an ADD woman on stimulants) I found myself in a rut. My rut was a bit like the following..... Wake up whenever, watch a bit of TV, ride, clean and feed horses, farm clean up, fun at the pool with the kids, traveling, working out as little as possible, party party party and then sleep and do it all again next week. This routine is making me tired! In that realization, it hit me; where is God in all of this summer schedule? He is my Energy source and my sustainer, no wonder I am so tired! All play and no God time makes Denise a very worn out chick! Well, thankfully, He never left me, I just forgot to ask Him how He wanted me to live out summer fun. I see our God as a huge, buff, creative, Personal Trainer.... filled with Energy,wisdom, experience, knowledge and adventure. Who wouldn't want to hang out with that?
So here I sit on Sat. night contemplating my final weeks of summer and I want more from my close and loving, fun-filled creator.
What are those plans You have for me Lord? You say they are to prosper me and to give me a future and a hope (Jer. 29:11) In the Psalms, often I read about us making plans and You determining our steps- our path. We are to commit our plans to You and trust that they will succeed. So, I guess once we commit to You then we must trust in Your deliverance. That my friends is FAITH! Our faith is based on being sure of what we hope for and certain for what we do not see (Heb.11:1). We may not know the future but it is in His hands and divine plan ... these are quite powerful and awesome promises Lord! hummmm/ pause/ think .... in summary I see it like this: Future Plans, Commitment, Trust, Confident Expectation of Deliverance, Faith and Hope............. so, what shall I hope for next? School to start maybe????
Have a great week everyone and I pray you too have a great rest of the summer with our God!
Blessings, Denise

2 comments: said...

hey girl! You've been tagged!

Cut and paste:

for the details. Have fun:)


***glad you are finally blogging again!

Amy L Brooke said...

Melissa sent me.... I'll be back to see what randomness might appear.