Tuesday, June 3, 2008

star so bright

Just a quick note to remind you to look up!
While Kenny and I were shaving our donkey last night, it occurred to me that I rarely look up when I am busy or preoccupied with a project. We were so enthralled with this task that we almost missed the amazing picture above our heads. The sky was splattered with glistening stars and a bright moon. It wasn't until Hannah (my donkey) raised her sweet head that I too gazed above and sat back in awe. God's amazing creations are always present and always jaw dropping. When busy, know that it is He that will direct the plans that we so often make. May I suggest that you sit quietly over this summer and soak in the artistic beauty and love of Christ.

1 comment:

MelissaTaylor.org said...

Hey Girl,

First, lovely post. During the month of May, it was my goal and intention to look up...not just to the stars, but to the Lord. Keeping my thoughts much higher than my own. What a difference it has made! It's hard though, just naturally I focus on my negatives. Thanks D, the star so bright, probably easier to see from the farm than from here in the city.

Much Love and I'm keepin on lookin up:)