Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh That Hurts

There are times when I really hurt... physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and yes, spiritually. Yesterday, my oldest son, Hunter was "crunchin' abs" and today, he keeps reminding me how much he hurts physically.... "no pain, no gain , mom". While that may have some truth to his training right now, there are threads of truth to that old statement in the emotional realm as well. Thanksgiving evening (actually Fri. morning at 2:30am) the world lost a very special young girl, named Alexa Rohrbach. After struggling for the past 9 of her 11 years of life,the Lord allowed her to come home. I cannot express the emotional pain I am feeling as I am thinking of and praying for her family. They have been such pillars of strength spiritually and emotionally. The heavens opened up as she entered the gates and into the Father's arms. She is now cancer free and her health restored... her gain.
While reading this morning, in John 11, (the story of Lazarus), Mary cried out to Jesus and said, "Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died." I began weeping and crying out myself, "Lord, you are always here but this pain is like a heavy weight resting on my heart. (I just saw Alexa on Mon. while in Atlanta). I hurt for parents who have children dying, I hurt for friends, whose parents are dying. Lord, mentally I know you are here, but it is really hard to deal with life's pains". Then I read further in verse 35, "Then Jesus wept". Jesus wept just like I have wept. Jesus knows our pain, is in control and understands the gain. There is pain and there is gain; we have to grab it and trust in Him as Lord despite life's circumstances. Rejoice in the Lord despite pain. Trust in Him with all our hearts and believe He will direct our paths! Now that is some weight I'd like to gain.
Lord, you are Lord when........... now you fill in the blank.
Blessings my friends,

4 comments: said...

Lord, you are Lord when life makes no sense.

Lord, you are Lord when my life is in shambles.

Lord, you are Lord when I am scared, lonely, insecure, unsure,and when I am happy, relieved, celebrating, thankful, and at peace.

Lord, you are Lord ALWAYS.

And I praise and thank you for that. For that is the ONLY place I find peace, comfort, and contentment No Matter What!

Great post Denise. Life is a gift that's for sure.

Much Love,

Anonymous said...


I have been very thankful lately for life in general, and what a blessing it is, and this post emphasizes that wonderfully.

Denise said...

Lord, you are Lord when my mind races away from you. Lord, you are Lord when I am sad or scared. Lord, you are Lord when life doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

I was Alexa's nurse on Monday when you were here, it was great that you could see them! It was great to meet you! My heart is just breaking...I am glad she was home for Thanksgiving and in is truly in her Father's house free of pain now, but I miss her terribly! Thank you for your words!! Lisa