Saturday, January 9, 2010

Memories for the Future

Last night was one of the coldest nights in Charlotte history. As my son Colton and his friend Rachel raced to the barn at 5:30 for night time feeding, they were reminded just how cold it actually was. The wind blew and stung their ears and fingers. Despite the fact they were bundled beyond recognition, the cold pierced their bodies to their bones.
Within 15mins. they were inside trying to convince me to bring the goats inside the house. My initial reaction was, "ABSOLUTLY NOT" but as all good and convincing kids do.... they stated the reasons why, acted out the chilled goats behaviors and.... they changed my mind to a resounding "YES" and there you have it..... I/We oficially live in a barn!
They were so excited and so was I. I was able to accomplish one of my 2010 New Years Resolutions. I want to foster and cherish how wonderful each of my children's gifts are. I want to enjoy their passions and allow them to grow in them.
So, check one off my list for Colton. Must this go on all year?
Welcome to my world! Happy New Year and may we all say a few more "yeses" with our children.

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