Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pressing on in victory!

I have been swamped with e-mails and phone calls this week with women needing prayer and a shot of encouragement. I believe this is all part of God's great web, seeing that just last week I was given a great devotional thought while watching my son race his horse in the VICTORY lap at Shea Rose Farm. Actually,I watched 6 kids race their horses around the ring for their final victory lap. This was at the end of a great horseback riding lesson. These kids flung their hands up in the air as if they just won the Kentucky Derby. The horses were tired yet they picked up the pace and finished the lap. AHHHH do you see the analogy? Just when we are feeling as if we "can't do it anymore", or we are tired, short tempered, bummed over our weight, or sad over our circumstances; remember, we can go another lap. There is a God who is able, stronger than your circumstances, and who will lead you in a triumphal procession (2 Cor. 2:14). I think of a "triumphal procession" a bit like a concert. My VICTORY lap sounds like a mix of Sting, Mercy Me, U2 and Sheryl Crow all in perfect harmony and tempo! What does your procession sound like? If it is a bit like elevator music then press the button to the next floor and GET OFF, and take the stairs. Climb up, look up, pray and keep going, it is all worth it!
The last part of this story is what happened after the Victory Lap. The kids all started talking to each other, comparing times, laughing at the day and gabbing all the way back to the barn. You see, we need each other and we need to be real with each other. Use the people in your life as support and as a means to get you on the path of healthy thinking.

I pray each one of you reading this blog remembers a very important truth. We do not fight FOR victory, we fight FROM victory. Think on that! Take a VICTORY LAP today and PRESS ON as you press into Him!
He wanted me to remind you of His strength and presence, have a great day!

2 comments: said...


Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Too often I don't feel like running the last lap and occasionally I even fall off the horse. That's exactly when I need to be reminded that I already have the victory, I just have to claim it. Get back on that horse and go. It's not always easy. Friendly lifts are nice!

My mix sounds more like Elvis, Brad Paisley, and Duran Duran:)

Ha! Love you and thanks again for speaking truth through your writing.


Unknown said...

Thanks Denise for writing what's on your mind and on your heart. This is great encouragement and a great way to get some positive, Godly words out to many people who may need it today!