Thursday, January 17, 2008

What we have school?!

I looked outside to see the beautiful snow at 3:35am and went back to bed with a huge grin! At 5:30am, I checked the news and most schools were cancelled for the day, so I assumed CCS was closed as well and I went back to sleep excited my prediction was right. UNTIL, the phone call from Melsa at 6:40am rang us into reality, Charlotte Christian was in session and we had better get out the door! Can you hear the complaints from Hunter and Colton. Oh the rage and disappointment! So, here I sit by my computer, a bit wet from the barn yet I am not complaining because I have had 2 wonderful cups of coffee and just may have 1 more! In a bit, I am off to the gym to cycle with Angie and then back to school to hear of all the mutual complaints of how unfair my kids have it. Stop the madness, we are all so blessed!
Please pray for the many families right here in Charlotte and surrounding cities who are without heat and a home this winter. May we continue to lift up Tom Wheeler and the homeless ministry he is running. Endurance to him and his team!
Stay dry my fiends, D

2 comments: said...

That was so funny yesterday! How I love my non-factual friend!

Remember school really is out on Monday...even for CCS!

Have a great time in the mountains!

Anonymous said...

Your snow story was hilariously classic.